Set up your personal profile in just a few steps.

My Household
Transportation & Travel
Eating habits

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Here you can enter the vehicles for your private use.
Under Type of vehicle you can select different drive technologies, including an electric or plug-in hybrid electric car. With electric vehicles you have the option to select the main type of electricity you use to charge your car.
If you are using a hybrid that cannot be charged at an electrical outlet, then simply select a vehicle with a combustion engine.
Carbon emissions caused by manufacturing as well as annual maintenance and repair are allocated based on the age of the vehicle.
The average consumption gets preset depending on vehicle- and fuel type. If you know the real consumption of your vehicle you can enter it instead.

After listing your verhicels you can move on to entering your Commutes & Journeys and if you use CarSharing or participate in carpools or ride-sharing, you can also enter it there.

0.35 tLast value0.00 t
My vehicles My vehicles
Current value0.35 tLast value0.00 t
1. Vehicle

(eg.: vehicle type or number plate)

Liter oder kg/100 km


My carbon scenario

In your carbon scenario you can now look to the future. Answer questions about changes you're planning, new habits and even investments. On the basis of your carbon balance today the projections are carried out, up to what the German average would be in 2050.


Your carbon scenario picks up where you've left off in your carbon balance.


Personal changes in the next 5 years are reflected in your short term scenario.


A more climate-friendly society and your personal changes then lead to a medium-term scenario covering the next 10 to 15 years.

Germany 2050

Your acceptance of long-term climate protection measures and the corresponding policies then lead to a projected German average value for the year 2050.

Save the current status of your calculation if you want to edit it later, send it to friends or post it in a social network. The data is available for you to retrieve for a period of 18 months. If you do not retrieve the data during this period, it will be deleted.

Please record the status of the calculation, this information is for statistical purposes only.

None of us are truely average. Therefore, we would like to get a more accurate picture of your living circumstances to put your carbon balance into context. By voluntarily entering some additional information, you can make an important contribution to further the anonymous, scientific evaluation of carbon balances! Your help is much appreciated!